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Knowing the Roman imperial mints: IX- Heraclea.
Founded with the name of Perinthos at the end of the 7th century BC, Heraclea was an ancient city of Thrace, now defunct, whose remains rest

A brief description of the main Roman masonry techniques. 2nd. Part
Let's continue with the description of the various Roman masonry techniques started in the previous publication of this web "A brie

The Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes, Toledo (Spain)
The Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes was commissioned by the Catholic Monarchs in the city of Toledo (Spain) to honor the victory in Battl

A brief description of the main Roman masonry techniques. 1st. Part
Vitruvius wrote in the decade from 35 to 25 BC his masterpiece "De architectura", conceived as a summary of the architectural know

Knowing the Roman imperial mints: VIII- Lugdunum.
The ancient city of Lugdunum corresponds to the present Lyon, the great city of the French southeast. Founded in 43 BC by the Julius Caesar´

Kyme: The ancient aeolian harbour.
The story of Kyme (Cyme in Latin), Turkey, is long as few. It was founded by greek settlers from the city of Locris sometime from the 8th ce

Knowing the Roman imperial mints: VII- Cyzicus.
The scant ruins of Cyzicus, once the great capital of Mysia, are located a few kilometers from the Turkish town of Erdek, in the north of th

The Thermae of Alexandria Troas
The remains of the Thermae of Herodes Atticus are the most important architectural vestige of the once magnificent city of Alexandria Troas,

Knowing the Roman imperial mints: VI- Constantinople.
Constantinople has been known since 1930 as Istanbul, being nowadays the most populous city in Turkey and one of the most popular tourist de

A visit to Neandria, Turkey.
December 5, 2015. We find ourselves driving through the heart of the mountains and valleys of ancient Troas, in the northwest of Turkey not

Knowing the Roman imperial mints: V- Siscia.
The ancient Siscia is the present Croatian city of Sisak. Its more than 2500 years of history begin in the Iron Age when a Celtic settlement

Assos: The main Street and the Agora.
Assos (present Behramkale, in the northwestern extreme of Turkey) is the name of an ancient Greek city built on the southern slope of a high

Knowing the Roman imperial mints: IV- Ticinum
The present Italian city of Pavia originates from a roman military camp founded to guard the main communications hub of the northern half of

The Amphitheatre of Cyzicus.
During our visit to the site of the ancient city of Cyzicus in December 2015, we find out that, apart from the ruins of Hadrian's Temple

Knowing the Roman imperial mints: III- Thessalonica
The city of Thessalonica (nowadays known as Thessaloniki) was founded in 316 BC by the diadochus Cassander at an important crossroads what w

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